Join us for this webinar featuring insights from leading China watchers to serve as an informational primer for policymakers and other stakeholders.
Episode One: China’s Hybrid Economic Mode
Hosted by: Rick Switzer, Principal at ProjX and Former State Department Official
- Adam Frost, Former EXIM Bank Senior Vice President of the China and Transformational Exports Program
- Liza Tobin, Senior Director for Economy, Special Competitive Studies Project
- David Feith, Adjunct Senior Fellow, Center for A New American Security
The panel discussion will provide a deeper understanding of the evolution of the Chinese economy from a centrally planned system to one that integrated market-based mechanisms and global trade to clear inefficiencies and benchmark China’s competitiveness.
Learn how Beijing has used this hybrid approach to adjust and reform state policies in an attempt to avoid locking into national champions that were “losers” during the concomitant process of picking “winners” and targeting global markets for PRC dominance.
CCP: China / Competition / Power: How How Beijing’s Policies Threaten Markets, Innovation, and a Rules-Based World Order
Episode One: China’s Hybrid Economic Model
1:00—2:00 PM EDT
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